
Sweet smile, Sharp blades

A half hyuran/raen girl who typically has a smile to offer those she comes across. There is often a bit of mischief to her eyes that betrays her otherwise sweet exterior. There's definitely more to this girl then meets the eye, but in what way one would have to get to know her to find out.

This is an IC Profile for the FFXIV character Minako. Use the buttons below to learn more about this character and thanks for visiting!

Basic Information

Name: Minako
Nickname: Mina
Age: 20
Race: Raen Au Ra/Midlander Hyur Mix
Nameday: 24th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Gender: Female
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual with a male lean
Marital Status: Single
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Patron Deity: Menphina, the Lover
Profession: Adventurer and Occasional Model
Languages: Eorzean, Doman
Birthplace: Kugane
Residence: Currently renting a room from a house in the Lavendar Beds
In Character Classes: Minako is what is considered a Blade Dancer, as such both Ninja and Dancer are IC classes for her as her IC form of combat takes elements from both styles.
Out of Character Classes: Pretty much any class that isn't ninja or dancer.



Hair: Soft pink with blue tips/streaks, typically kept in some sort of style involving side ponytails or buns, but occasionally mixes it up otherwise.
Eyes: Her left eye is blue and right eye is pink
Height: 4'7"
Build: Well toned abs, a small bust and slightly wide hips.
Distinguishing Features: Very few scales on her body/face, what one's she does have are incredibly soft and pearlescent.
General Fashion Tastes: Mina tends to have a very cutesy femme style of dress. Cute dresses or tops and skirts and things of the like. She often wears soft pastel colors leaning towards teals, blues and pinks. At times she'll wear more form fit outfits when needing to focus more on efficiency over being cute, but even those usually have some sort of cute flare to them.
Notable Accessories: She almost always wears some sort of flower in her hair.
Mina is a fairly short and petite female past slightly shapely hips. Her skin is pale and unblemished, her scales only covering small portions of her face, neck, wrist, and ankles while otherwise devoid on other parts of her body as the main sign of her not being fully Au Ra. Her hair is a light pink with blue tips, possibly dyed though what her natural color could be is anyone's guess. Her eyes are two toned, her left a soft blue the right one a gentle pink. She often wears some sort of flower in her hair and likes to dress in soft colors and pretty designs, even when dressed up more seriously for combat the styles she wears borders on cute. Nobody said one can't kick ass but also look cute while doing it, after all.


Positive Qualities: playful, loyal, energetic, clever, direct
Negative Qualities: Can be a little possessive and greedy with people's attention when she wants it, very impulsive, a bit of a brat at times, mischievous, impressionable about many things
Mina is a very bubbly sort of personality that tends to brighten up the room just with her presence. She's not shy about expressing her thoughts and feelings, and perhaps can sometimes be a little overly greedy for people's attention and time when she decides she wants it. She genuinely wants the people she cares about to be happy, but is selfish enough to care about her own happiness as well when push comes to shove. She does love to cause a little mischief from time to time and can be a bit of a brat if she feels she's not getting her way, but it's usually all in good fun with no real malicious intent behind it. That said, if anyone ever gets on her bad side they'll realize real quick how swiftly her sweetness can turn sour.


Hobbies: Dancing, adventuring/exploring, training with her daggers, mischief making, having fun with life and making new friends
Vices: She's very interested in doing more partying and trying new things that may not be so good for her, but so far hasn't really done much past maybe a bit of drinking.
Likes: music, cute clothing, dolls, small animals, daggers/knives/sharp blades in general, having fun, interesting people, being picked up/carried, sweet food, butterflies and moths, learning new things (but only if it's something she's interested in and not being forced to learn)
Dislikes: boredom, her parents, authoritative figures, any bug that isn't a butterfly/moth, frumpy and/or dark clothing, thunderstorms, being forced to do anything she doesn't want to do
Fears: being forced into an arranged marriage or just really any sort of situation where she'd have no real choice of her own


Below are various pictures I've received or have taken of them in game. Enjoy!

Char References

none yet


Artist Credits in order of appearance:
Me (the player)

Screenshots by Me (Current Appearance)

Screenshots by Me (Older Appearances)

Screenshots by Others

Has your character asked Mina to model for them and you've taken screens of such? Want me to showcase some of said pictures they've taken? I will be glad to do so, just send them my way!

none yet

Roleplay Information

Looking For

The following is what I'm most looking for in regards to this character and roleplay.

  • Friendship

  • Romance (short or long term)

  • Sparring and/or Adventurering Companions

  • Good and/or Bad Influences

Normal Haunts

The following are the places you can most likely find this character.

  • Any big city that isn't Ul'dah - Mina loves to be where the people are, as such she can often be found in the various big cities of the world, though she tends to stay away from Ul'dah for various reasons. (It's not impossible to find her there, just not as likely)

  • Scenic Locations in the world - She loves adventure and finding pretty places to go explore and look at. If it's pretty and scenic, chances are she'll probably show up eventually after hearing about it.

  • Out in the world in general - As said above, she loves adventure and exploration, so really it's not uncommon to find her just out there doing her thing out there wherever.

  • Anywhere there's music - She really loves to stop and listen to musicians or go out of her way to make concerts or venues that have music playing. She loves to listen and dance and generally finds peace and fun in the art, and thus can be found where the music is, quite often.

RP Hooks

The following are some possible RP Hooks we can plot off of for our characters to meet/interact with each other! I am always open to other suggestions though should you think of any, just let me know!

  • Shall we go on an adventure? - Looking for an adventuring partner? A skilled blade dancer to help cut down your foes? A pretty face to look at while you go explore some old ruin? Mina's your girl! Hit her up, she's always down for a new adventure to go on.

  • You think I'm pretty, really? - Due to her fairly unique features Mina is often asked to model for paintings/pictures or to generally be their muse in some way. If your character is the type to ask for this feel free to have them approach, she's always happy to posture pretty for those who find her looks appealing.

  • I'm more then just a pretty face... - While she doesn't mind capitalizing on her prettiness, she can get a little annoyed if people only ever see her as that. As such she's quick to pick fights when she feels she's being talked down to, and always up for a good spar to prove she is in fact more then just a pretty face.

  • Ooooh that looks tasty~ - Primarily the girl is a sweet tooth, but really she just enjoys trying new food in general, so if you have something that looks tasty don't be surprised if she puppy eyes you a bit for it, unless of course you feel so inclined to share.

  • Let's go shopping! - Mina loves a good sale and a cute dress! She loves friends to go shopping with or partners to drag around and watch her try on things. She also loves making friends with people who make clothing, so if your char is a tailor they may just be someone she'd want to know!

  • What a nice blade you have- Is your character sporting a nice looking dagger, sword, etc? Chances are they'll catch Mina's attention as she's just about as obsessed with nice blades as she is pretty clothing! She'll probably be curious where it came from, how good it works in battle, and just about anythign else that may come to mind, so prepare yourself for lots of questions and probably a good puppy eye or two.

OOC Information


  • Time Zone: Eastern US (EST)

  • Active Hours: In-game: 12pm-4am most days. This is not my main though so please be mindful of that fact and ask for my main's name if you want to keep in touch when I'm not on her.

  • Preferred place to RP: In-game and discord are both welcomed (ask for discord once we've gotten to know each other some, I do not give it until I'm comfortable.) In-Game is my main preference with discord good for continuations or if in-game scheduling is proving difficult.

OOC/RP Guidelines

  • While I am open to RPing with muses of any age, romantic content will only be with muns and muses both 18+

  • Avoid metagaming at all, please. All information in this profile is meant for OOC purposes only, and not to be used IC unless your character might know part of it.

  • While I can be a pretty robust writer, I do try to match my partners. So if you want long posts from me, then give me long posts in return. Short posts get short responses. Simple enough.

  • I am comfortable with darker themes (violence, drugs, etc) and am just fine RPing them out as long as they make sense to the story being told between our characters. Any particular heavy themes I would prefer to discuss OOCly first before anything happens ICly.

  • I am not one to really judge too harshly on lore bending, since I do it myself, but if you are completely breaking the lore of the game I may politely decline RPing with you, though wish you all the best in having fun your own way otherwise!

  • OOC and IC are not the same, nor should they ever be treated as such. Anything my character says or does will not always reflect me as the player. I ask that all that I RP with keep this in mind and know how to keep the two separate! No drama please, I'm just here to play barbies with friends and have a good time, yeah?

  • I enjoy all types of RP. Combat, adventure/exploration, bar crawls, casual chatter, romantic, friendly, whatever. I like to see my characters thrive in all walks of their life and enjoy playing out just about anything there is to be played out. If you're looking for a particular type of RP don't hesitate to ask and let's see if we can't make something happen!

  • Please note, that while I enjoy romantic RP I am not looking to live vicariously through my characters. I am not interested in dating you nor am I wanting to cyber with you, no matter what our characters themselves may be getting up to.

  • I enjoy PvE content and am always happy to make RP friends who will also run dungeons and the like with me from time to time! So if you're looking for an RP buddy who will actually run around doing non-RP stuff with you, I'm your gal! I am also very heavily into taking screenshots and take a lot of inspiration from RPs I do to make them, so if you'd like me to do that with our muses do let me know and I'll be sure to keep our RPs in mind when looking for gpose inspiration!

  • This char is not my only char, nor are they my main and as such I am not always on them, but if you are ever interested in other chars of mine and may want to RP with them instead please feel free to give them a look here and see if anyone catches your interest!

Notable Contacts

The following characters have made some sort of impact in Minako's life. Below each of their pictures/names will be a small snippet of Minako's thoughts about that person. Pictures of characters will link to their profile!

♥ Romantic Partner || ♡ Romantic Interest/Crush || ✿ Family
✤ Friend || ✦ Sparring Partner || ♜ Coworker
︽ Positive Terms || ︾ Negative Terms || ? Uncertain/Complicated

Hazakura ✿✤✦︽
"My older sister! She's always been so supportive of me and helped me to escape from our parents when I was younger. She also first taught me how to fight, and we spar regularly to make sure I'm at the top of my game! She's so cool and strong and I just adore her so much!"
If you would like your char to be added here and they have had sufficient enough interactions to actually make sense being here feel free to let me know!